Friday, October 24, 2008

7 random facts

My visiting teaching companion and I were doing a bit of a get-to-know you thing this week. I mentioned that I'd studied languages in college. She confessed a taste for an uncommon food (that I won't reveal in a blog, because that would be just plain mean.)

Along those lines, I thought it might be fun to share a few random facts about ourselves with you here.

About Emily
1) I have studied Spanish, Italian, American Sign Language, French, German, Polish, and Japanese at various times in my life. Of those, I am fluent in Spanish and Italian and can get by in ASL.
2) I've only had one cavity, and it was in a baby tooth.
3) I don't like maple syrup on my pancakes. But I love it on french toast and cornbread.
4) I skipped the first grade. Because I was younger than the rest of my class, I couldn't date or drive until halfway through my junior year of high school and I was 17 when I started college.
5) For my eighth birthday, my grandparents took me on a trip to Canada. My first choice was Mexico, but when they didn't bite I picked the only other out of country destination offered to me.
6) When I was a newlywed, I played the organ in our church. It was an antique pipe organ with pipes that sometimes would get stuck in the middle of sacrament meeting. I had one lesson on how to work it, but I was the only one in the ward who could play.
7) I got my first bee sting this year, at age 28.

About Brian
(I haven't asked permission to post these, so we'll hope I don't get in trouble.)

1) Before his mission, he was studying business. He still loves reading books on marketing and business.
2) He'll do just about anything for a chocolate chip cookie. Especially an applesauce chocolate chip cookie.
3) He's never set foot on the campus of the university that he graduated from. He took all his classes at a satellite program or online. When graduation rolled around, we figured we shouldn't ruin his record and threw a barbecue to celebrate instead of the cap and gown ceremony.
4) He broke off his two front teeth when he threw a wrench through a basketball hoop and caught it with his face.
5) He enjoys mowing the lawn.
6) He was in 1st grade when he wrote his first computer program. I've lost count of how many computers we own.
7) He doesn't like pickles. (Which means all the more pickles for me!)

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