I was really excited to find that our rubber chicken fit in the sack.... because it's really a big part of our marriage. I thought you might like to know the story, too.

As thanks for the gift, I made him a tape (the holy grail of long distance communication). I put the tape inside the chicken, along with all the candy wrappers and a couple of dozen feathers - stitched it back up, and mailed it back to him.
The chicken made another more significant experience, though, after I got home from my mission. 4 weeks to the day after I got back, Howie cooked me dinner at his house. He had red roses and candlelight. After dinner, through a less than casual show of deciding to look up a scripture, he presented me with a set of scriptures. One one cover he'd had my full name, with his last name, engraved. On the other, he'd engraved "Will you marry me?"

So - our rubber chicken... dirty and nasty as it is... is pretty important to us. I've had to work a bit to fit it into our decorating.... since there's no way I'd put it away into storage somewhere. And everytime I look at it, it makes me smile.
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