The adoption application process is called a "home study". The purpose of it all is to learn as much as possible about our family and our home to make sure that our home is suitable for a child. The final step of the home study process is a home visit. This is where the caseworker comes to your home, interviews you as a family, looks around your house to make sure it's a safe environment, etc. etc.
We've got a really great caseworker! You can really tell she cares about the people she works with! And she has done a great job of helping to make it so this process has been a comfortable one, despite all the emotions that surround it.
The visit went really quite smoothly. She looked around our house and asked questions about childproofing and where the nursery would be, etc. We talked a lot about what's called our "preferences checklist" - a form where we indicate our preferences in the way of age, race, medical history, etc. for the child. Brian & I are of the opinion that the Lord is very involved in the adoption process - and that He will guide us to the child that is meant to be in our family. Therefore, we didn't put any major limitations on race or disability. Our child will be our child, regardless of those things, and we'll love him or her just the same. We were surprised because it didn't sound like that was a very common perspective.
Anyway, as we were wrapping things up, our caseworker asked us if we could have copies of our profile to her before the end of the week so she could present us for approval in staff meeting on Monday. That means that the application process is pretty much over and they'll send out our collage and letter to be shown in LDSFS agencies across the country. It means our online profile and website can officially go live, too. And - most importantly, it also means that whenever we find the right child to adopt - we are ready and able to do it... even on a moment's notice.
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