I posted earlier that Brian's sister was engaged to be married. The wedding was about a week and a half ago, now - and I thought that writing about the wedding was a good way to introduce his family. So here are some of the highlights from the wedding, and a little bit about the family.
Brian's the youngest of four children - three boys, one girl. His family lives all over the country. His parents are just 10 minutes away from us (so long as it isn't rush hour). His only sister, who just got married, lives just a few minutes away from them. His two brothers live out of state. He also has grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins out of state.
However, scattered across the country as they are, his family is one of the closest I've ever seen. And here's the trick. Whenever something brings the family together in the same place, it is an event! You put other projects on hold - taking time off work, if possible - and you spend that time together.

Family started arriving for the wedding on Thursday, which was also Brian's company Lagoon day. So, we got tickets for all the family that was in town and interested, and we all went together. After a late night, we slept in on Friday, but by noon, went to visit temple square.
Brian's second brother lives all the way on the other side of the country. He has two daughters, ages 6 and 4, and a 1 year old little boy. Both of the girls are very smart - the result of some very smart parents. Because they live so far away and can't visit often, this was a first visit to Temple Square for them. It was fun to experience it through their eyes.
When we got back, Brian's oldest brother had arrived, and all the men went off for a tux fitting. Brian's oldest brother lives in the neighboring state, so they can visit a bit more often. He has

two girls, ages 7 (turning eight very soon) and 6. His wife is very shy, but we're pretty good friends. In fact, if it weren't for her and how well the two of us work together, I don't know how Sunday's barbecue would have gone... but we'll get to that.

I'm slipping in a picture of my father-in-law at the tux fitting. He's a very funny man. Usually very quiet and reserved... but very pensive. He liked to really understand things, and isn't afraid to ask whatever questions come to his mind. He's usually not too eager to get in front of a camera, so I had to throw this in.

Saturday night we got a real treat. For the first time since I got married, Brian's family was able to go to the temple together. His parents, brothers, sister, sisters-in-law, grandpa, aunt, uncle, and cousins were there! It was the first chance I've had to be in the celestial room with them all together. (Since I was endowed before my mission, we didn't do an endowment session before our sealing). This picture was taken after we left the temple. It's a bit dark... but still fun to have a picture of us all together at the temple.
Saturday was the rehearsal luncheon. Brian's sister was divorced about 5 years ago, after learning some pretty surprising things about her husband. Since then, she and her 6-year-old daughter have been living with Brian's parents. About two years ago, she was set up on a blind-date with her now-husband by, of all people, his father. He's a really great guy! A good dad for our niece, and a good fit in the family, since he's a computer nerd as much as my brothers-in-law. (Only this sister has resisted the family's love of computers.. and her new husband brings balance to the family.)

The rehearsal luncheon was our first chance to meet his family. Their family is much smaller and more reserved than Brian's... which is funny because Brian's family is INCREDIBLY calm and reserved compared to mine. They treated us to a wonderful lunch, and then surprised us all by shared a family tradition with us. Each member of their family gave a small hand-me-down gift to the bride to welcome her into the family. Each gift was something they already owned, but each has a special significance. I was really impressed by this and vowed to adopt the tradition when my own children are married.
Sunday was Brian's family's turn to host. And, since Brian's mom loves hosting parties - especially weddings - she decided to throw an elaborate Sunday barbecue for all of the extended family. And everything that could go wrong tried to. Fortunately, one of the things I share with my mother-in-law is that we think a lot the same when it comes to hosting parties... so with a little work and a lot of convincing I was able to shoo her out of the kitchen and my sister-in-law and I took care of things while she entertained her guests.

And finally, the wedding was Monday. We arrived early to tie bows on chairs and help where we could. Since there were plenty of people taking care of the bride, I got to hang out in the bride's room and take care of the bride's mother (my mother-in-law). She doesn't often wear makeup... so she had me help her get made up. (Which is funny because I don't wear much... Just the basics that a mission companion of mine who sells Mary Kay introduced me to).

The ceremony was beautiful! By a waterfall... Both bride and groom teared up when they saw each other. The reception afterwards was also beautiful... After a while they opened up a dance floor and my nieces danced the night away. Brian and I were supposed to take extra pictures, which we did for a while, until we got distracted with decorating the car.
After so many late nights, and so much fun, we absolutely crashed! Family visits are always fun, but it always takes us about a week to recover from it. Which is part of why this post took so long to get up.