We celebrated Howie's 28th birthday last weekend. One thing that we've established in our marriage is that I'm not really capable of keeping a secret from him. So - he figured out early on that I was planning to get him a hybrid golf club. And then, he also guessed that I planned to take him golfing so he could try out his new club.

It was a day without many surprises - but a good day, all the same. This was the first time I've actually played a game of golf, instead of just practicing on the driving range. We played a simple par 3 and just nine holes. And we went in with the agreement that we would cheat when needed. We had a really, really great time!
Then, we went out to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Howie left me with too good of a clear opportunity to talk to our server - so I made arrangements for them to decorate his cheesecake and for the staff to sing to him. He HATES attention, so he promised all kinds of revenge... But it was a good memory. Don't know that I'll ever pull that one off again.

Finally, we had Howie's family over for dinner. Howie loves homemade chicken cordon bleu... and his mom brought his favorite german chocolate cake. Sunday, we celebrated with my family at Sunday dinner.I'm pretty sure he got the message... but just in case he missed it, I'd like to throw out a happy birthday in the world of blogs. It's been another wonderful year with you! I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
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